Dark Horses
"Dark Horses" is an anthology feature film in five chapters, revolving around dark emotions of tormented souls. In different times and places: a man loses his mother; two girls find each other during WWII; a thorn grows out of a hearts hatred; a horse-jumping champion finds herself captive; two primitives re-discover one another, before language. All their experiences converge into a single story, that of human existence, and its all about learning to ride these emotions, finally moving on. A horse, symbol of strength and freedom, appears in every chapter, guiding the transformation, carrying a deeper meaning.
- Year : 1970
- Country : Italy
- Genre : Animation
- Studio : IBRIDO Studio
- Keyword :
- Director : Massimo Ottoni, Linda Kelvink, Salvatore Centoducati, Victoria Musci, Francesco Forti
- Cast :