a cat without a name
Cat with no name
Cat with no Name is a short 15 minute long film, animated and produced by Antonio Costa Valente and Cineclube de Avanca the financial support of ICA and the executive production of Smarty Cool Studios , directed by Charlie Blue, The short movie was based on a book written by Natércia Rocha known for her great works, the author has left us with a vast collection of children’s literature. The original music is composed by musician Nik Phelps. The story revolves around a girl named Claudia who is about to celebrate her birthday when inside her awakens a strange curiosity of wanting to become a fly, to hear her parents’ thoughts, like this she could find out just exactly what she would be receiving on her birthday. The short film with many awards at various festivals worldwide.
- Year : 2009
- Country : China, Portugal
- Genre : Animation
- Studio : Cine-Clube de Avanca, Instituto do Cinema, Audiovisual e Multimédia
- Keyword :
- Director : Charlie Blue
- Cast : Araby McClintock, Andre Kong, David Bernfeld, Catarina Cruz