Tokyo Rhapsody
"Tokyo Rhapsody" consists of 11 short films all centered around the music genre known as "Kayokyoku". Kayokyoku is a catch-all term to describe the music that defined two generations of post-war Japan. Although the term survives, it has a strong connotation with a simpler, pre-"Economic Bubble" era when Japanese people shared a common identity in the reconstruction of their nation.
- Year : 2007
- Country : Japan
- Genre : Drama
- Studio : Altamira Pictures, Xanadeux Company, Pony Canyon
- Keyword :
- Director : Mitsuhiro Mihara, Toshiyuki Mizutani, Shinobu Yaguchi, Itsumichi Isomura, Yoshikazu Ebisu
- Cast : Satoshi Tsumabuki, Ayumi Ito, Bengal, Yoshikazu Ebisu, Ren Osugi, Shinji Takeda