Vigo is a nerdy teenage boy who lives in a fictional world and simulates a virtual game called “Gooseboy,” which enables him to become free as a flying bird. One beautiful day, to the surprise of the boy, a goose accidentally bumps into his balcony. It appears that the gander can speak human language, but sadly he is not able to fly. Vigo and the goose embark on a journey to the north and try to find and catch up with the gander’s flock.
- Year : 2019
- Country : Denmark
- Genre : Adventure, Family, Comedy
- Studio : SF Studios
- Keyword :
- Director : Steen Rasmussen, Michael Wikke
- Cast : Thomas Refslund Ravn, Szhirley, Frida Luna Roswall Mattson, Nicolas Bro, Søren Malling, Rasmus Bjerg