A dark comedy centering on the lives of a Neapolitan based family whose father, a fish merchant, is so infatuated with the reality TV show "Grande Fratello" (the Italian version of "Big Brother") he starts living his life as if he were on it.
- Year : 2012
- Country : France, Italy
- Genre : Drama, Comedy
- Studio : Fandango, Archimede, Le Pacte, RAI, RAI Cinema, MiC, BNL – Gruppo BNP Paribas, Regione Lazio, Intesa San Paolo, Soficinéma 7, Canal+, StudioCanal, ICM Partners, Cinetic Media, Garance Capital, Backup Media, Sofica Manon 2, Coficup, Cinémage 6, Oscilloscope
- Keyword :
- Director : Matteo Garrone
- Cast : Aniello Arena, Loredana Simioli, Nando Paone, Graziella Marina, Nello Iorio, Nunzia Schiano